DCS: F-100D Super Sabre

The F-100D Super Sabre, built by North American Aviation, Inc, is a single-seat, supersonic fighter-bomber with secondary use as a limited air superiority fighter. The F-100A was the first in this series which was designed for an “air superiority” role and was first flown in May of 1953. The F-100D was a fighter-bomber version with strengthened wing, additional underwing stations and wing fuel. These features and an in-flight refueling system increased its capability from local air superiority to long range fighter-bomber penetration or escort missions.
The F-100D had a 45-degree swept-back wing with automatic gravity-operated slats on the leading edge, and flaps on the inboard trailing edge. Some airplanes have an aerodynamic fence on each wing that provides an increase in lateral stability at high speeds and altitudes. All control surfaces are actuated by irreversible hydraulic systems. Desired aerodynamic pilot feel is simulated by an artificial-feel system. A hydraulically actuated speed brake is on the lower surface of the fuselage and a drag chute is in the lower surface of the aft fuselage.
Fuel is carried internally in the fuselage and wings. Drop tanks can be installed on the lower surface of the wings to increase the total fuel supply. The internal tanks and some drop tanks are serviced by single-point refueling, and the airplane can be refueled in flight by probe-and-drogue air refueling.
Project High Wire
“Project High Wire” was a modernization program for selected F-100 airframes.
The program consisted of two simultaneous operations: an electrical rewiring operation, and a heavy maintenance and PDM operation. The rewire operation replaced the old wiring in each airplane with new wiring, including certain design and maintenance improvements.
Changes to the Airplanes which have gone through “Project High Wire” were extensive enough to require a separate set of Flight Manuals, Systems Maintenance Manuals, and Illustrated Parts Breakdown Manuals.

Module Overview
The DCS: F-100D will be based on the famous “Project High Wire” Vietnam era Super Sabre fighter-bomber. An advanced version of the Super Sabre that features improved avionics, landing flaps, larger wings and tail fin.
Upgraded avionics include the AN/AJB-1B low-altitude bombing system, A-4 Gunsight, and AN/APR-25 radar homing and warning system.
The “Hun” was equiped with four 20 mm Pontiac M39A1 cannons, and six hardpoints capalble of carrying AIM-9 Sidewinders, LAU-3/A unguided rocket pods, and a variety of conventional bombs.
We aspire to bring the most faithful re-creation of the Hun ever produced for flight simulation. Working with veteran Hun pilots, our team is dedicated to simulating the avionics systems, weapons, performance, and unique flight model in high fidelity. Check out the F-100D FAQ here.
F-100D Specifications

General Characteristics
Crew: One
Length: 54 ft. 3 in. (with pitot extended)
Wingspan: 38 ft. 9 in.
Height: 16 ft. 3 in.
Gross weight: 27,000 lbs
Powerplant: Pratt & Whitney J57-P-21
Max speed: Mach 1.2
Max Thrust: 10,200 lbs
Max Thrust w/Afterburner: 16,000lbs
Service ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Rate of climb: 22,400 ft/min
Max range: 1,995 nm
Guns: Four M39 Pontiac 20mm cannons
Hardpoints: Bombs, rockets, or missiles can be carried on 6 pylons
The "Sabre Dance"
The famous Sabre Dance occurred if the pilot pitched the nose too high during takeoff or landing. The wingtips would stall causing the nose to pitch even higher aggravating the wing stall. Inertial coupling would cause the aircraft to yaw to the left or right and was unrecoverable. A Sabre Dance of First Lieutenant Barty Brooks on January 10, 1956 was caught on film.
Despite these adverse handling characteristics, the F-100 was loved by its pilots. They took great pride in being able to maneuver the jet at max performance. The comradery of these pilots still exists today in the Super Sabre Society and the Friends of the Super Sabre organizations.